conan remote

使用此命令可从 Conan 远程注册表中添加、编辑和删除 Conan 存储库,还可以管理对这些远程存储库的身份验证。有关如何使用 Conan 存储库的更多信息,请查看 专用部分

$ conan remote -h
usage: conan remote [-h] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF]

Manage the remote list and the users authenticated on them.

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    add                 Add a remote.
    auth                Authenticate in the defined remotes
    disable             Disable all the remotes matching a pattern.
    enable              Enable all the remotes matching a pattern.
    list                List current remotes.
    list-users          List the users logged into all the remotes.
    login               Login into the specified remotes matching a pattern.
    logout              Clear the existing credentials for the specified
                        remotes matching a pattern.
    remove              Remove remotes.
    rename              Rename a remote.
    set-user            Associate a username with a remote matching a pattern
                        without performing the authentication.
    update              Update a remote.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

conan remote add

$ conan remote add -h
usage: conan remote add [-h] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF] [--insecure]
                        [--index INDEX] [-f] [-ap ALLOWED_PACKAGES]
                        [-t {local-recipes-index}]
                        name url

Add a remote.

positional arguments:
  name                  Name of the remote to add
  url                   Url of the remote

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True
  --insecure            Allow insecure server connections when using SSL
  --index INDEX         Insert the remote at a specific position in the remote
  -f, --force           Force the definition of the remote even if duplicated
                        Add recipe reference pattern to list of allowed
                        packages for this remote
  -t {local-recipes-index}, --type {local-recipes-index}
                        Define the remote type

conan remote auth

$ conan remote auth -h
usage: conan remote auth [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF]

Authenticate in the defined remotes

positional arguments:
  remote                Pattern or name of the remote/s to authenticate
                        against. The pattern uses 'fnmatch' style wildcards.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Select the output format: json
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True
  --with-user           Only try to auth in those remotes that already have a
                        username or a CONAN_LOGIN_ env-var defined

conan remote disable

$ conan remote disable -h
usage: conan remote disable [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF] remote

Disable all the remotes matching a pattern.

positional arguments:
  remote                Pattern of the remote/s to disable. The pattern uses
                        'fnmatch' style wildcards.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Select the output format: json
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

conan remote enable

$ conan remote enable -h
usage: conan remote enable [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF] remote

Enable all the remotes matching a pattern.

positional arguments:
  remote                Pattern of the remote/s to enable. The pattern uses
                        'fnmatch' style wildcards.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Select the output format: json
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

conan remote list

$ conan remote list -h
usage: conan remote list [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF]

List current remotes.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Select the output format: json
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

conan remote list-users

$ conan remote list-users -h
usage: conan remote list-users [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF]

List the users logged into all the remotes.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Select the output format: json
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

conan remote login

$ conan remote login -h
usage: conan remote login [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF]
                          [-p [PASSWORD]]
                          remote [username]

Login into the specified remotes matching a pattern.

positional arguments:
  remote                Pattern or name of the remote to login into. The
                        pattern uses 'fnmatch' style wildcards.
  username              Username

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Select the output format: json
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True
  -p [PASSWORD], --password [PASSWORD]
                        User password. Use double quotes if password with
                        spacing, and escape quotes if existing. If empty, the
                        password is requested interactively (not exposed)

conan remote logout

$ conan remote logout -h
usage: conan remote logout [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF] remote

Clear the existing credentials for the specified remotes matching a pattern.

positional arguments:
  remote                Pattern or name of the remote to logout. The pattern
                        uses 'fnmatch' style wildcards.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Select the output format: json
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

conan remote remove

$ conan remote remove -h
usage: conan remote remove [-h] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF] remote

Remove remotes.

positional arguments:
  remote                Name of the remote to remove. Accepts 'fnmatch' style

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

conan remote rename

$ conan remote rename -h
usage: conan remote rename [-h] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF] remote new_name

Rename a remote.

positional arguments:
  remote                Current name of the remote
  new_name              New name for the remote

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

conan remote set-user

$ conan remote set-user -h
usage: conan remote set-user [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF]
                             remote username

Associate a username with a remote matching a pattern without performing the

positional arguments:
  remote                Pattern or name of the remote. The pattern uses
                        'fnmatch' style wildcards.
  username              Username

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Select the output format: json
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

conan remote update

$ conan remote update -h
usage: conan remote update [-h] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF] [--url URL]
                           [--secure] [--insecure] [--index INDEX]
                           [-ap ALLOWED_PACKAGES]

Update a remote.

positional arguments:
  remote                Name of the remote to update

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True
  --url URL             New url for the remote
  --secure              Don't allow insecure server connections when using SSL
  --insecure            Allow insecure server connections when using SSL
  --index INDEX         Insert the remote at a specific position in the remote
                        Add recipe reference pattern to the list of allowed
                        packages for this remote