conan config

管理 Conan 主目录中的 Conan 配置。

conan config home

$ conan config home -h
usage: conan config home [-h] [--out-file OUT_FILE] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF]

Show the Conan home folder.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --out-file OUT_FILE   Write the output of the command to the specified file
                        instead of stdout.
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

conan config home 命令返回 Conan 主文件夹的路径。

$ conan config home


conan config install

$ conan config install -h
usage: conan config install [-h] [--out-file OUT_FILE] [-v [V]]
                            [-cc CORE_CONF] [--verify-ssl [VERIFY_SSL] |
                            --insecure] [-t {git,dir,file,url}] [-a ARGS]
                            [-sf SOURCE_FOLDER] [-tf TARGET_FOLDER]

Install the configuration (remotes, profiles, conf), from git, http or a
folder, into the Conan home folder.

positional arguments:
  item                  git repository, local file or folder or zip file
                        (local or http) where the configuration is stored

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --out-file OUT_FILE   Write the output of the command to the specified file
                        instead of stdout.
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True
  --verify-ssl [VERIFY_SSL]
                        Verify SSL connection when downloading file
  --insecure            Allow insecure server connections when using SSL.
                        Equivalent to --verify-ssl=False
  -t {git,dir,file,url}, --type {git,dir,file,url}
                        Type of remote config
  -a ARGS, --args ARGS  String with extra arguments for "git clone"
  -sf SOURCE_FOLDER, --source-folder SOURCE_FOLDER
                        Install files only from a source subfolder from the
                        specified origin
  -tf TARGET_FOLDER, --target-folder TARGET_FOLDER
                        Install to that path in the conan cache

conan config install 命令旨在当前主目录中安装通用的共享 Conan 配置,例如 remotesprofilessettingshooksextensions 等的定义。


  • 指向包含配置文件的 zip 压缩包的 URL

  • 包含文件的 git 仓库

  • 本地文件夹

  • 仅一个文件

当前 Conan 主目录中的文件将被安装源中的文件替换。所有配置文件都可以通过这种方式共享和安装

  • remotes.json 用于定义远程仓库

  • profiles 子文件夹内的任何自定义 profile 文件

  • 自定义 settings.yml

  • 自定义 global.conf

  • 所有扩展,包括插件、hooks。

  • 自定义用户命令。

此命令读取 .conanignore 文件,如果存在,则过滤哪些文件和文件夹被复制到用户的 Conan 主文件夹。此文件使用 fnmatch 模式来匹配文件夹内容,排除那些与配置安装匹配的条目。有关此类文件的示例,请参阅 conan-io/command-extensions 的 .conanignore。您可以使用 ! 取反语法强制复制某些文件

# Ignore all files
# But copy the file named "settings.yml"


  • 从 URL 安装配置

    $ conan config install http://url/to/some/
  • 从 URL 安装配置,但仅获取 zip 文件内 origin 文件夹内的文件,并将它们放入本地缓存中的 target 文件夹中

    $ conan config install http://url/to/some/ -sf=origin -tf=target
  • 从 2 个不同 URL 的 2 个不同 zip 文件安装配置,每个文件使用不同的源文件夹和目标文件夹,然后更新所有内容

    $ conan config install http://url/to/some/ -sf=origin -tf=target
    $ conan config install http://url/to/some/ -sf=origin2 -tf=target2
    $ conan config install http://other/url/to/ -sf=hooks -tf=hooks
  • 从带有子模块的 Git 仓库安装配置

    $ conan config install --args="--recursive"

    您还可以使用 --type git 强制进行 git 下载(以防它不是从 URL 自动推断出来的)

    $ conan config install --type git
  • 从 URL 安装,跳过 SSL 验证

    $ conan config install http://url/to/some/ --verify-ssl=False

    这将禁用证书的 SSL 检查。

  • 从本地路径安装特定文件

    $ conan config install my_settings/settings.yml
  • 从本地路径安装配置

    $ conan config install /path/to/some/

conan config install-pkg


此功能是实验性的,可能会有破坏性更改。有关更多信息,请参阅 Conan 稳定性 部分。

$ conan config install-pkg -h
usage: conan config install-pkg [-h] [--out-file OUT_FILE] [-v [V]]
                                [-cc CORE_CONF] [-l LOCKFILE]
                                [--lockfile-out LOCKFILE_OUT] [-f] [--url URL]
                                [-pr PROFILE] [-s SETTINGS] [-o OPTIONS]

(Experimental) Install the configuration (remotes, profiles, conf), from a
Conan package

positional arguments:
  item                  Conan require

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --out-file OUT_FILE   Write the output of the command to the specified file
                        instead of stdout.
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True
  -l LOCKFILE, --lockfile LOCKFILE
                        Path to a lockfile. Use --lockfile="" to avoid
                        automatic use of existing 'conan.lock' file
  --lockfile-partial    Do not raise an error if some dependency is not found
                        in lockfile
  --lockfile-out LOCKFILE_OUT
                        Filename of the updated lockfile
  -f, --force           Force the re-installation of configuration
  --url URL             (Experimental) Provide Conan repository URL (for first
                        install without remotes)
  -pr PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        Profile to install config
  -s SETTINGS, --settings SETTINGS
                        Settings to install config
  -o OPTIONS, --options OPTIONS
                        Options to install config

此命令允许从 Conan 服务器中存储的 Conan 包安装配置。


  • 它们必须定义 package_type = "configuration"

  • 配置文件必须打包在最终的“二进制”包中,遵循与其他 conan config install 情况相同的布局。

  • 它们不能用作其他包的 requires,因为那会导致鸡生蛋蛋生鸡的问题。

  • 它们不能包含对其他包的 requires

  • 配置包使用 conan createconan export-pkg 创建,与其他包一样,并使用 conan upload 上传到服务器

要从 Conan 配置包安装配置,可以

  • 使用 --lockfile-out 生成 lockfile 文件。此 lockfile 文件可以传递给 conan config install-pkg --lockfile(如果命名为 conan.lock 并在当前目录中找到,它将自动加载),以便在将来保证完全相同的版本。

  • 可以使用版本范围 conan config install-pkg "myconf/[>=1.0 <2]" 是正确的,它将安装该范围内的最新版本。

  • conan config install-pkg 始终在服务器中查找最新版本或修订。

  • 如果从服务器下载并安装了相同的版本和修订,则 conan config install-pkg 将不会执行任何操作,除非使用 --force,在这种情况下,配置将被覆盖。

还可以通过激活 core.package_id:config_mode conf(这也是实验性的)到任何可用模式(如 minor_mode),使配置的版本影响所有包 package_id 并成为二进制模型的一部分。

由于 conan config install-pkg 命令从 Conan 远程服务器下载包,它可以从已存在的远程仓库下载,也可以直接指定仓库 URL 从 Conan 远程仓库下载

$ conan config install-pkg myconf/version --url=<url/conan/remote/repo>

Conan 配置包也可以根据 profiles、settings 和 options 进行参数化。例如,如果某些组织希望针对 Windows 和其他平台略微不同地管理其配置,他们可以这样做

import os
from conan import ConanFile
from import copy

class Conf(ConanFile):
    name = "myconf"
    version = "0.1"
    settings = "os"
    package_type = "configuration"
    def package(self):
        f = "win" if self.settings.os == "Windows" else "nix"
        copy(self, "*.conf", src=os.path.join(self.build_folder, f), dst=self.package_folder)

如果他们的布局针对不同的平台具有不同的 global.conf,例如


$ conan export-pkg . -s os=Windows
$ conan export-pkg . -s os=Linux
$ conan upload "*" -r=remote -c


$ conan config install-pkg "myconf/[*]" -s os=Linux
# or even implicitly, if they default build profile defines os=Linux
$ conan config install-pkg "myconf/[*]"


conan config list

$ conan config list -h
usage: conan config list [-h] [-f FORMAT] [--out-file OUT_FILE] [-v [V]]
                         [-cc CORE_CONF]

Show all the Conan available configurations: core and tools.

positional arguments:
  pattern               Filter configuration items that matches this pattern

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Select the output format: json
  --out-file OUT_FILE   Write the output of the command to the specified file
                        instead of stdout.
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

显示所有 Conan 内置配置。有 2 个组

  • core.xxxx:这些只能在 global.conf 中定义,并由 Conan 内部使用

  • tools.xxxx:这些可以在 global.conf 和 profiles 中定义,并将被 recipes 和 recipes 中使用的工具使用,例如 CMakeToolchain

$ conan config list
core.cache:storage_path: Absolute path where the packages and database are stored Define path to a file download cache Number of concurrent threads to download packages Number of retries in case of failure when downloading from Conan server Seconds to wait between download attempts from Conan server
core.gzip:compresslevel: The Gzip compression level for Conan artifacts (default=9) Path containing a custom Cacert file If defined, the proxies system env-vars will be discarded Path or tuple of files containing a client cert (and key) Maximum number of connection retries (requests library) List of urls to skip from proxies configuration Dictionary containing the proxy configuration Number of seconds without response to timeout (requests library)
core.package_id:config_mode: How the 'config_version' affects binaries. By default 'None'
core.package_id:default_build_mode: By default, 'None'
core.package_id:default_embed_mode: By default, 'full_mode'
core.package_id:default_non_embed_mode: By default, 'minor_mode'
core.package_id:default_python_mode: By default, 'minor_mode'
core.package_id:default_unknown_mode: By default, 'semver_mode'
core.scm:excluded: List of excluded patterns for builtin git dirty checks
core.scm:local_url: By default allows to store local folders as remote url, but not upload them. Use 'allow' for allowing upload and 'block' to completely forbid it
core.sources.patch:extra_path: Extra path to search for patch files for conan create
core.sources:download_cache: Folder to store the sources backup
core.sources:download_urls: List of URLs to download backup sources from
core.sources:exclude_urls: URLs which will not be backed up
core.sources:upload_url: Remote URL to upload backup sources to
core.upload:parallel: Number of concurrent threads to upload packages
core.upload:retry: Number of retries in case of failure when uploading to Conan server
core.upload:retry_wait: Seconds to wait between upload attempts to Conan server
core.version_ranges:resolve_prereleases: Whether version ranges can resolve to pre-releases or not
core:allow_uppercase_pkg_names: Temporarily (will be removed in 2.X) allow uppercase names
core:default_build_profile: Defines the default build profile ('default' by default)
core:default_profile: Defines the default host profile ('default' by default)
core:non_interactive: Disable interactive user input, raises error if input necessary
core:required_conan_version: Raise if current version does not match the defined range.
core:skip_warnings: Do not show warnings matching any of the patterns in this list. Current warning tags are 'network', 'deprecated', 'experimental'
core:update_policy: (Legacy). If equal 'legacy' when multiple remotes, update based on order of remotes, only the timestamp of the first occurrence of each revision counts.
core:warnings_as_errors: Treat warnings matching any of the patterns in this list as errors and then raise an exception. Current warning tags are 'network', 'deprecated' Define to explicitly pass ANDROID_USE_LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_FILE in CMake toolchain Argument for the CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK (boolean) Enable/Disable ARC Apple Clang flags (boolean) Enable/Disable Bitcode Apple Clang flags (boolean) Enable/Disable Visibility Apple Clang flags Path to the SDK to be used (boolean) Indicates whether is possible to run a non-native app on the same architecture. It's used by 'can_run' tool (boolean) Decides whether cross-building or not regardless of arch/OS settings. Used by 'cross_building' tool List of extra C flags used by different toolchains like CMakeToolchain, AutotoolsToolchain and MesonToolchain Defines a Python dict-like with the compilers path to be used. Allowed keys {'c', 'cpp', 'cuda', 'objc', 'objcxx', 'rc', 'fortran', 'asm', 'hip', 'ispc'} List of extra CXX flags used by different toolchains like CMakeToolchain, AutotoolsToolchain and MesonToolchain List of extra definition flags used by different toolchains like CMakeToolchain, AutotoolsToolchain and MesonToolchain Force download of sources for every package List of extra flags used by different toolchains like CMakeToolchain, AutotoolsToolchain and MesonToolchain Default compile jobs number -jX Ninja, Make, /MP VS (default: max CPUs) List of linker script files to pass to the linker used by different toolchains like CMakeToolchain, AutotoolsToolchain, and MesonToolchain List of extra flags used by different toolchains like CMakeToolchain, AutotoolsToolchain and MesonToolchain Do not execute CMake.test() and Meson.test() when enabled Pass the --sysroot=<> flag if available. (None by default) Verbosity of build systems if set. Possible values are 'quiet' and 'verbose'
tools.cmake.cmake_layout:build_folder: (Experimental) Allow configuring the base folder of the build for local builds
tools.cmake.cmake_layout:build_folder_vars: Settings and Options that will produce a different build folder and different CMake presets names
tools.cmake.cmake_layout:test_folder: (Experimental) Allow configuring the base folder of the build for test_package
tools.cmake.cmakedeps:new: Use the new CMakeDeps generator
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:enabled_blocks: Select the specific blocks to use in the conan_toolchain.cmake
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:extra_variables: Dictionary with variables to be injected in CMakeToolchain (potential override of CMakeToolchain defined variables)
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:find_package_prefer_config: Argument for the CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:generator: User defined CMake generator to use instead of default
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:presets_environment: String to define wether to add or not the environment section to the CMake presets. Empty by default, will generate the environment section in CMakePresets. Can take values: 'disabled'.
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:system_name: Define CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME in CMakeToolchain
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:system_processor: Define CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR in CMakeToolchain
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:system_version: Define CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION in CMakeToolchain
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:toolchain_file: Use other existing file rather than conan_toolchain.cmake one
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:toolset_arch: Toolset architecture to be used as part of CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET in CMakeToolchain
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:toolset_cuda: (Experimental) Path to a CUDA toolset to use, or version if installed at the system level
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:user_presets: (Experimental) Select a different name instead of CMakeUserPresets.json, empty to disable
tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:user_toolchain: Inject existing user toolchains at the beginning of conan_toolchain.cmake
tools.cmake:cmake_program: Path to CMake executable
tools.cmake:install_strip: Add --strip to cmake.install()
tools.compilation:verbosity: Verbosity of compilation tools if set. Possible values are 'quiet' and 'verbose'
tools.deployer:symlinks: Set to False to disable deployers copying symlinks
tools.env.virtualenv:powershell: If specified, it generates PowerShell launchers (.ps1). Use this configuration setting the PowerShell executable you want to use (e.g., 'powershell.exe' or 'pwsh'). Setting it to True or False is deprecated as of Conan 2.11.0. Number of retries in case of failure when downloading Seconds to wait between download attempts If set, overrides recipes on whether to perform SSL verification for their downloaded files. Only recommended to be set while testing
tools.files.unzip:filter: Define tar extraction filter: 'fully_trusted', 'tar', 'data'
tools.gnu:build_triplet: Custom build triplet to pass to Autotools scripts
tools.gnu:define_libcxx11_abi: Force definition of GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1 for libstdc++11
tools.gnu:host_triplet: Custom host triplet to pass to Autotools scripts
tools.gnu:make_program: Indicate path to make program
tools.gnu:pkg_config: Path to pkg-config executable used by PkgConfig build helper List of paths to bazelrc files to be used as 'bazel --bazelrc=rcpath1 ... build' List of Bazel configurations to be used as 'bazel build --config=config1 ...'
tools.graph:skip_binaries: Allow the graph to skip binaries not needed in the current configuration (True by default)
tools.graph:skip_build: (Experimental) Do not expand build/tool_requires
tools.graph:skip_test: (Experimental) Do not expand test_requires. If building it might need ''
tools.graph:vendor: (Experimental) If 'build', enables the computation of dependencies of vendoring packages to build them List of existing configuration to be part of the package ID Defines the Intel oneAPI installation root path Custom arguments to be passed onto the|bat script from Intel oneAPI
tools.meson.mesontoolchain:backend: Any Meson backend: ninja, vs, vs2010, vs2012, vs2013, vs2015, vs2017, vs2019, xcode
tools.meson.mesontoolchain:extra_machine_files: List of paths for any additional native/cross file references to be appended to the existing Conan ones If Conan is already running inside bash terminal in Windows The path to the shell to run when conanfile.win_bash==True The subsystem to be used when conanfile.win_bash==True. Possible values: msys2, msys, cygwin, wsl, sfu VS install path, to avoid auto-detect via vswhere, like C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community. Use empty string to disable Argument for the /m when running msvc to build parallel projects Defines the IDE version (15, 16, 17) when using the msvc compiler. Necessary if compiler.version specifies a toolset that is not the IDE default Suppress MSBuild code analysis for patterns Dictionary with MSBuild compiler options Force the specific update irrespective of compiler.update (CMakeToolchain and VCVars) Use this winsdk_version in vcvars
tools.system.package_manager:mode: Mode for package_manager tools: 'check', 'report', 'report-installed' or 'install'
tools.system.package_manager:sudo: Use 'sudo' when invoking the package manager tools in Linux (False by default)
tools.system.package_manager:sudo_askpass: Use the '-A' argument if using sudo in Linux to invoke the system package manager (False by default)
tools.system.package_manager:tool: Default package manager tool: 'apk', 'apt-get', 'yum', 'dnf', 'brew', 'pacman', 'choco', 'zypper', 'pkg' or 'pkgutil'


$  conan config list proxy If defined, the proxies system env-vars will be discarded List of urls to skip from proxies configuration Dictionary containing the proxy configuration


  • 这些配置可以在 global.conf、profile 文件和命令行中定义,请参阅 Conan 配置文件

conan config show

$ conan config show -h
usage: conan config show [-h] [-f FORMAT] [--out-file OUT_FILE] [-v [V]]
                         [-cc CORE_CONF]

Get the value of the specified conf

positional arguments:
  pattern               Conf item(s) pattern for which to query their value

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Select the output format: json
  --out-file OUT_FILE   Write the output of the command to the specified file
                        instead of stdout.
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

显示与给定模式匹配的 conf 项的值。

对于包含以下内容的 global.conf


$ conan config show "*" 5 30 7 10 42
zlib*/ 5
zlib*/ 100

或者仅获取引用 tools.files 部分的值

$ conan config show "*tools.files*" 7 10
zlib*/ 5
zlib*/ 100

请注意模式中的第一个 *。这将匹配所有包模式。删除它将使命令仅显示全局 confs

$ conan config show "tools.files*" 7 10

conan config clean

$ conan config clean -h
usage: conan config clean [-h] [--out-file OUT_FILE] [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF]

(Experimental) Clean the configuration files in the Conan home folder, while
keeping installed packages

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --out-file OUT_FILE   Write the output of the command to the specified file
                        instead of stdout.
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True

从 Conan 主目录中删除所有自定义配置,例如 remotes.json、profiles、settings、插件、扩展等。这不会删除包,仅删除配置文件。